…in which, for once, Doctor Who finishes a season with a pretty solid Sci-Fi story instead of a convoluted and emotionally charged melodrama. St. Xtofer joins JB for the final lap of Series 11 reviews with “The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos”.
… in which our fearless podcasters almost get thru an episode review without talking about comics. Jon Clarke from the Caffeinated Comics podcast joins JB for a review of Series 11 Episode 9, “It Takes You Away”.
… in which our fearless podcaster and our local fan organizer put on their funny black hats and explain why they no longer participate in their local Doctor Who convention. JB is joined by Gordon Dymowski from the Chicago Doctor Who Meetup to review Series 11 Episode 8, “The Witchfinders”, and to have a candid discussion on the current state of Chicago TARDIS.