Sunday, January 10, 2021


I’m very surprised I was able to put together a cohesive edit out of this month’s drunken ramblings. It’s the last time I’ll have four shots of Bacardi mixed with Coca-Cola before recording a podcast, cause I get really shouty again. I blame this week’s insurrection. Anyway, Chris, Sean and I review “Revolution of the Daleks” and discuss the rumors about Jodie Whittaker leaving the series and a new companion joining. Please drink responsibly. - JB


Saturday, January 9, 2021

Pre-Show: Post-Insurrection

Before we discussed the new episode of Doctor Who which aired on New Years Day, Chris, Sean and I had to talk it all out about this week's events at the U.S. Capital.  We hope this brings you some comfort and solace, and I encourage you all to keep the conversation going.  We must never forget what happened this week and we must never let it happen again.

Our review of "Revolution of the Daleks" will drop later this week. - JB